Travelling in a fried-out combie

So what really happens when you get Permanent Residency status for Australia? H and I are about to find out.....

Monday, June 05, 2006

Bodyboarding In Big Waves

Now that I live right by the ocean, and have taken up surfing, I like to keep an eye on the surf. I can either do this by looking outside of my lounge, or bedroom, or bathroom, or kitchen window, or I can look here (NSW Cams - Manly). When I looked on Friday (2nd) night, for the weekend forecast, I was quite surprised to see that we were expecting 5-8 foot swell. For a novice like me, this is obviously way too big, but I looked forward to people watching nonetheless.

Anyway, I got up on Saturday (3rd) and saw that the prediction was spot on and, to me, the waves looked huge. I decided that it would probably be a good idea if I kept out of the water, especially as it tends to get a bit busier on the weekends, and I don't really like the idea of getting in other peoples way. After an hour or so of watching I changed my mind. Afterall, you have to put yourself in these situations. I decided that although the waves were far too big for me to prat around in on my Mal, I could have a go on the bodyboard. So off I went. No fear.

To be fair, I didn't do too badly. After resting out the back for a while (it was quite hard getting through the breaking waves) I caught my first wave. It was a real beauty, all the way into the beach. It was a real confidence booster and I went back into the surf. It didn't go so well the second time round. I got wiped out big style. And it wasn't like any old wipe out in a two foot wave. This was at least 5 foot of water throwing me around. The intial impact wasn't too bad but the force of the back of the wave did what it wanted to me. I didn't know which way was up. I did know that I needed to breathe pretty soon though. I came up to the surface just in time. I took huge lung full of air, turned around and saw another massive wave about to break on my head. I was thrown around in the wave again, and once again, I very nearly ran out of breath. When I came to the surface again, this time breathing pretty heavily I knew I needed to get out of that part of the break so I swam out back again. I could have gone in at that point, but it's kind of like falling off a bike or a horse. You just have to get back on. Anyway, after spending what seemed like an age recovering I managed to catch another one all the way back in. Although I'd got hit big time I was glad I stuck it out. I guess getting hit like that is all part of the learning process.

Here are some pictures of the surf on Saturday, so you can get an idea of what it was like.

A month before we arrived some monster waves hit most parts of Sydney. The swell was caused by high winds that were part of a tropical cyclone. There's an interesting article here about it, with links through to a cool photo gallery. Sorry if I have bored you about this (like I have with H - I am really beginning to do her head in).


  • At 5/6/06 9:33 AM, Blogger Me said…

    Nutter. Wouldn't catch me boogying in those waves. Is H regretting moving so close to the sea already, then?!

  • At 5/6/06 10:50 AM, Blogger Jonny said…

    Nah, not at all...but I think I have been driving her a bit mad with my over-enthusiasm for my new found hobby. Actually, she doesn't mind me going in the water as often as I can, it's the amount I talk about it that annoys her.

    But without football what else am I supposed to do?

  • At 5/6/06 2:10 PM, Blogger Andy said…

    Perhaps H should write a blog on which is the more irritating: talking about surfing, or talking about football?

    She not gonna join you in the waves then?

  • At 6/6/06 2:14 AM, Blogger Jonny said…

    She's been in a couple of times, but she hasn't really had the time as she has been looking for work. Now that she has got a job it should free up her time. She did love the boogie boarding though, although she hasn't tried surfing yet.

    And I am sure she will write a blog on it, when she catches up!

  • At 6/6/06 11:47 AM, Blogger Me said…

    What kind of job has she got that actually frees up her time? I want a job like that.

  • At 7/6/06 12:21 AM, Blogger Jonny said…

    Good point Mike. Erm, actually she hasn't got any free time now, at least not during the day. And living where we live means at least an hours commute each way. So the only free time she has got is either before work (when it is dark) or after work (when it is also dark) or on the weekend (when she will probably be too hungover to want to get smashed around by waves).


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