Travelling in a fried-out combie

So what really happens when you get Permanent Residency status for Australia? H and I are about to find out.....

Monday, March 12, 2007

Book Twenty One

It's a Harlan Coben hatrick (see Books Nineteen and Twenty)!

There's definitely a common theme running through Coben's books and I wasn't surprised to read a couple of twists in the last few pages. Unlike the other two books I read though, I thought the final twist in this story let the book down. It actually seemed like a bit of a kop out and I didn't think there was any need for it. Maybe I just missed something glaringly obvious (highly likely) which would've meant that it made sense. Oh, and I used the newly found technique of listing all the main players names in the back of the book (and trying to link them together) to be of very little use at all this time around.


  • At 13/3/07 8:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm impressed you are keeping up the reading! Next, why not go for another hatrick and read 'His dark materials' trilogy.
    I reakon writing the names in the back of the book might work for these!
    And by the time you've waded through them, old Brucy would have finished workin on the first film :)

  • At 14/3/07 8:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i've got a recommendation for you Jonny - pick up a copy of Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts

  • At 15/3/07 1:37 AM, Blogger Jonny said…

    Em - sounds like it could be a bit like "The Lord of the Rings" to me. Good to watch but far too long to read. Thanks for the recommendation though.

    Simo - really? I have never heard of it, but then again, I haven't heard of most books out there. Is it a good read, or are you trying to get me to waste two weeks of ferry journeys whilst I read rubbish?

  • At 16/3/07 12:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    well i really enjoyed it, but i'm me...

    given all these recent emails about Pop Idol and the like, i fear your tastes vary wildly from mine - something akin to me loving a big hearty meal like a juicy steak with veges, and you finding sustenance on a diet of Maccas, KFC and Subway :)

    give it a go mate, if you don't like it you can always pass it off to H?

  • At 16/3/07 5:19 AM, Blogger Jonny said…

    Hmmm, I'm not quite sure how a post about a book got onto Pop Idol and food, but that's the randomness of blogging.

    I think you are jumping on the "let's have a go at Jonny because he has got Bloc Party tickets" bandwagon, as lead by Will, Kirby and H today in a vicious email onslaught.

    Macca's no, KFC and Subway, oh yes, but only in small doses.

    I'll always eat a steak, anytime! In fact, I'll eat any food, including other people's left overs, a trait I am very proud of.

    Right, back to business, as far as the book is concerned, thanks for the recommendation and I'll add it to the list.

  • At 16/3/07 6:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    oh no, nothing to do with bandwagoning at all... just generally having a go as per the norm ;) i'm sure H would approve, isn't that right H? yes? thought so!

    now Jonny, just how big is this list of books you speak of? please discount all those Dr Suess ones...


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