Travelling in a fried-out combie

So what really happens when you get Permanent Residency status for Australia? H and I are about to find out.....

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Book Thirty Seven

So this is a very, very dark version of Book Twenty Nine. It's another one that made me feel sick a couple of times, and I was very conscious of the title, the cover and the content as I read it on the ferry too and from work!

It was a spontaneous purchase a few weeks ago. It's a catching title afterall and it stood out one evening when I was on a book-buying mission after work. I remembered reading a review of it in the local free MX newspaper one night and it sounded rather interesting.

It's also the first book I've read that is written by an Australian. I'm a fan of Australian movies and now I'm a fan of Australian writing. It's a bit of a sweeping generalisation I know, but I've got off to a good start with this one, even if it is rather disturbing. But then so was Wolf Creek, right?

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Book Thirty Six

Well it looks like the blogging phenomenon has finally died on it's arse, for most of us anyway (the guys at CUAS still do a great job!). I guess with Facebook having taken over the world, it's no great surprise, although I'm losing interest in that as well. Maybe I'll have more time in the winter. As you can imagine, summer in Sydney is a very busy time. That didn't stop me last year, but I've had to re-prioritise a few things this time around. So, apologies if you are missing the updates. They will be back. One day!

In the meantime, the reading continues. I recently finished Book Thirty Six. It's not as good as Book Twenty Six, but it was a hard act to follow. Given how much I enjoyed 'The Kite Runner' I was intrigued to see how Hosseini would back it up. I didn't find this story as engaging, it took a long time to really settle into it, and just as I was really begining to enjoy it, it finished.