Travelling in a fried-out combie

So what really happens when you get Permanent Residency status for Australia? H and I are about to find out.....

Monday, November 20, 2006

Sun, Sand, Sea and Sculptures

So, the weekend was another winner. After a couple of days of rubbish weather last week the sun finally came out on Friday and it seemed as if the whole of Sydney was buzzing when the school bell signalled the end of the working week and people made their ways to the bars. I headed to a bar called Bungalow 8, which is on King Street Wharf in Darling Harbour. I’d made plans to meet a few people there and a great night was had by all. James had some friends over to visit and Katie had her ING leaving party. A few of us ate at a Japanese restaurant as well which was a first for me. I’m not sure if I like Sake though!

Saturday was an absolute belter. I went for a pretty decent surf in the morning before heading out for breakfast with H and Claire at the Bavarian Bier Café. There was an International Beach Volleyball tournament being held on Manly beach so we had a quick look at that on the way there.

Saturday was a big day as I also got my haircut. It’s been 9 months since I last cut it so it was in urgent need of attention, as you can see.

I’d got quite used to having it long but I was under considerable peer pressure to “sort it out Jonny”. I’d made an appointment for 1pm at a proper hair salon. It was the first time in my life I had ever been anywhere decent. I was given complimentary beer and a head and back massage (whilst someone was washing my hair). I was a bit miffed when my “stylist” said that long hair suited me, especially as the whole point of me going there was to get my hair cut. It wasn’t what I wanted to hear, especially as I had no idea what to do with it and was expecting her to cut lots off (I was tempted to buzz it all off but once I do that I doubt I'll ever grow it again). Anyway, she was the expert and after a brief chat about textures and layering to which I just nodded in agreement, she began. 45 minutes and $111 lighter I left the salon a relieved man. She didn’t take much off but she definitely sorted it out for me and it feels so much better.

The afternoon was spent at Shelly Beach, swimming, snorkelling, playing beach cricket and watching a random wedding.

On Saturday night H and I made the mission to Homebush to see Pearl Jam at the Acer Arena (blog to follow).

Sunday was a Bondi Day. We’d made plans to head over to Will and James’s, hook up with a few people, do the Tamarama to Bondi walk and have a BBQ. It was the final day of the Sculpture By The Sea exhibition and a few of us were keen to check it out. So we headed off from Manly late morning with a few of the North Shore gang. A ferry and bus ride later and we were in Bondi. We set off from Wills mid-afternoon and made our way to Tamarama.

It was a scorcher. The coastal walk back to Bondi is a beauty and there were sculptures all the way along. The path was rammed with people like ourselves who had left it to the last minute to see the artwork.

My favourite sculptures were the melted ice cream van and the unusable toilet. There were hundreds of people milling around it when I got this shot away. Luckily it looks like it there was no-one else around.

After the walk we all headed back to Will's for a BBQ. There was a lot of meat.....

It turned into quite a party with the Bondi crew meeting and mingling with the North Shore gang. It was a big session, especially for a Sunday, and everyone was on top form.

We crammed so much into the weekend and, like all the others here, it was bloody brilliant. We are less than two weeks away from Summer and everyone is really up for it. Lot’s of people have got friends over to visit, including us, and it’s going to be a very, very busy time.


  • At 20/11/06 4:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yes, looks like a good-un. Just a couple of questions...

    Why haven't you given us a nice close-up shot of you new haircut?


    Why is H dressed like a bloke?

  • At 21/11/06 11:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yes, those sculptures look great, but we're all wondering whether your haircut was a similarly impressive artistic feat?

    110 bucks... maybe you should've paid that kind of cash a few years ago when you had a bit more hair...

  • At 21/11/06 11:54 AM, Blogger RJL said…

    You would think they would charge you less cause you are missing a fair bit at the top?!

  • At 23/11/06 10:16 AM, Blogger Jonny said…

    Very funny guys. Well I thought I'd keep the new haircut a bit of a mystery, so you'll have to look more closely in the pictures or wait until I publish some better ones.

    It's not that different, just a bit shorter and a lot tidier.

    As for the cost of the haircut, it was actually $66 - that included the complimentary drinks and massages. The rest of the money was spent on "product". But seeing as I spend most of my time in the sunshine and water, it was a bit of a waste of money.

    Glamarama! I remember Damo and actually called Tamarama, 'Glamarama' when I was there. Didn't see many whoopsies though.....

  • At 23/11/06 12:43 PM, Blogger Jonny said…

    Oh, and I am not quite sure why she was dressed as a bloke. I was in the other room watching the penultimate 'Australian Idol' show with a few others.....

  • At 29/11/06 12:43 PM, Blogger swisslet said…

    you need to send some of those pics to standbyyourstatue!


    Statue John will be delighted to receive them, I am sure.

    Man alive - how much on your hair?? Clippers mate... time to reach for the clippers!


  • At 30/11/06 5:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    H being dressed like a bloke is all my doing... i found Will's newly acquired dress shoes and started wearing them around the flat (they looked great with my shorts).

    H somehow took over and we found a hat and tie to match. You can just see Will's shoes on her feet in the doorway there...

    Just a bit of fun - alcohol was the winner on the day.



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