Travelling in a fried-out combie

So what really happens when you get Permanent Residency status for Australia? H and I are about to find out.....

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Book Fourteen

So it was back to Mr Elton for Book Fourteen.

Given the following;

1) My enthusiasm for the three books of his that I have already read (two of which have formed part of this read-a-thon - Books Seven and Ten), and,
2) My enthusiasm for Pop Idol / Pop Stars / X-Factor / Australian Idol and all things “real” in TV

I thought I’d have go at this book, especially as it has only just been released over here and was hot off the shelf, just as the series of ‘Australian Idol’ was coming to a spectacular climax at the Opera House (with fantastic fireworks that we could see from our friends place in Neutral Bay). In fact as I neared the end of Book Thirteen, which was pretty hard going, I was really looking forward to cracking on with Book Fourteen, which was sure to be a lot more light-hearted.

Unfortunately I thought this book was quite disappointing. In fact, I formed this opinion no more than 29 pages in (and there are 427) when the most ridiculous story line was hatched, and that opinion stuck with me most of the way through. I won’t explain what it was, just in case someone out there happens across this post, who is actually reading it, but if you are intrigued as to what annoyed me just pop into your local WH Smiths and read pages 28-29. You can then guess what happens from there.

Sure there were some good bits in the book and his character assassination of the Louis Walsh, Sharon Osbourne and Simon Cowell-alike’s was quite amusing, but I just thought the story was too predictable and I found myself getting bored.

Still, I stuck with it and added another notch on the ever-expanding converted wardrobe come bookshelf we have here in Manly-ville.

It’s back to the ‘Classics’ shelf for Book Fifteen.

And I am trying to avoid “So You Think You Can Dance” like the plague.


  • At 5/12/06 9:48 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    So you managed to read 398 pages of boring predictable dribble just so you could 'add another notch' to your bookshelf. Now that's dedication for you - well done!

  • At 6/12/06 11:58 AM, Blogger Jonny said…

    Thanks mate. If I was part of a team, then this one is for them!

    Maybe it was one of those books I should've put down in favour of something more challenging/interesting but I would have read it at some point. It wasn't the worst book I have read, but given how much I enjoyed 'Popcorn' and 'Past Mortem', I was hoping 'Chart Throb' would be better than it actually was.


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