Travelling in a fried-out combie

So what really happens when you get Permanent Residency status for Australia? H and I are about to find out.....

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Book Twenty Two

Book Twenty Two was another good read but when I try and think about the other three books of Coben's that I've read so far (here, here and here) I find it quite hard to distinguish between them all. They all seem to follow the same pattern. Something bad happens and a guy. Guy gets on a mission to avenge the bad thing. The FBI think he did it. He didn’t. Guy seeks wrong-doers. FBI chase guy. Guy eventually finds wrong-doers. The FBI realise they got it wrong. Queue a few major plot twists and it was his best friend (or even himself) all along.

You get the picture. I'm bored of it now.

It's time for a change. After reading four books in the row from the same author it's time to hit the bookstores, which is one of the best things about reading. Bring it on.


  • At 28/3/07 4:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi there

    This is Mike's Pa, and I've just finished reading the first of the Coban books you read - "The Innocent", which I found an excellent read. I take your point about repetitive themes, but I'll probably try another of his if I find one at the library. Thought I could suggest some other authors to you whom I've also found "unputdownable". Micheal Connelly, Tami Hoag and Tess Geritsen, all American, plus Ian Rankin and Gerald Seymour. They all produce good plots, often with cliff hanging chapter ends, and usually murder mystery themes, although Seymour is more of a political animal. Good hunting!
    Mike's Pa

  • At 29/3/07 1:20 AM, Blogger Jonny said…

    Thanks for the tips Mike's Pa, and for blogging.

    I did enjoy Coben's books a lot, but I think four in a row was a little excessive. I think he has a new one coming out in a couple of months so I'll probably go back to him then.


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